How to Transit to Zero Drop Running Shoes
When transitioning from regular running shoes to zero drop running shoes, you should take your time and do this as slowly as possible.
One of the major injuries is due to the fact that when you run with zero drop shoes your foot is going to go down way further than what your used to, and in return this puts much more strain on your Achilles tendon.
So to specially prepare for this transition and to reduce the chance of injury special exercises are a must.
You want to stretch out your Achilles tendon first, To do this you should ideally have some sort of stool, a step ladder is useful for this, or anything where you can bend your Achilles down to a lower plain.
Then what you want to do is step on it using mostly just the toes, then elevate yourself upwards (so on your tiptoes), and try to hold this for 30 seconds, and then after 30 seconds allow your foot to completely drop so your now stretching in the opposition direction with your heel facing downwards towards the ground.
The good thing about using a step ladder when doing this, is that if you feel your losing your balance you can grab on to reposition yourself easily enough.
Continue this exercise 2-3 times to completely stretch out all the muscles, and this exercise is also very important to do prior to running with your zero drop running shoes on. You can also do this same exercise after running if you choose to, but it is not overly important.
Also when starting out with zero drop running shoes limit the distance that you run, do a half mile at most for the first couple of weeks, again this is just to slowly transition yourself into the style of running, as your calves are really going to be burning the next day after running this way.
A lot of people who do rush into running with zero drop running shoes without the proper preparation, exercises and running too far tend to complain that they find it very difficult walking for the next few days afterwards, simply due to the body not being used to the calf muscle absorbing all the extra pressure.
Patience and preparation is key.