4mm drop vs 0mm drop running shoes

When the idea of zero drop running shoes first started, it was the case of all or nothing, meaning you either go for the full cushioned, high heel drop running shoes or the zero drop version. Currently, we have moved on with in terms of design. Now, we have choices from 0 mm drop to 3 mm to even 12 mm drop. The choice is out there for anyone who wants a specific type of heel drop running shoe. Among these choices, one of the most popular is the 4mm drop running shoe. How is this different from zero drop and what benefits can it confer to the person wearing? This is what the article will answer today. 4
Benefits of 4mm vs 0mm
The primary benefit of switching to a 0mm shoe is to provide some calf relief if you are running long distances in your 4mm drop. It is a well documented fact that wearing a higher heel drop shoe shift the usage of muscle to the calf area so switching between the two can help remedy the situation and exercise different parts of the your feet.
Some folks like to use different shoes for different distances. Some prefer to use higher drop for longer distance while using zero drop for speed work. For the latter , a zero drop shoe doesn’t get in the way when your body is adjusting its form to achieve a better running posture that uses the right muscles and such. If you need recommendations, check out what we think is the best 4mm drop running shoes with cushion.
Some runners advocate changing between different heel drop shoes to strength all parts of your leg and feet. This will come in handy when you are running on different surfaces that needs different muscle groups to achieve better results. For a trail runner, strengthening all parts of your feet become even more important as you will be running across different terrains and such.
Can you change from 4mm to zero drop instantly?
Another common question is whether one can change from wearing a 4mm drop running shoe to a 0mm drop overnight? The concern is that our feet might not adjust well to this sudden change and becomes more susceptible to injuries. Fortunately, the concern is unfounded. Although the risk of injury is low when you transit between the 2 shoes, you can suffer from calf stress or ache if you over exert yourself in your running when you change shoes. The recommendation is for you to run a shorter distance when you first make the time before gradually increasing the distance ran. This is will give your cafe muscles enough time to adjust and avoid any aches and pains.
Foot strike and zero drop
Besides considering the pros and cons of 4mm vs 0mm drop running shoes, another factor is your foot strike. A heel striker needs more cushioning at the heels and hence will be more suited for a higher drop shoes like 4 or even 8mm drop. For runners with mid or toe strikes, a zero drop shoe can achieve better balance and comfort.